
I enjoy writing. I love pictures of all sorts, photos, drawings or paintings. I find inspiration in them. Some more than others. Often times I choose to write poetry from pictures because it's a kinder alternative than writing out of anger with negative energy. Not everything I write is good, nor complete, but I have found when I write I am pleased with my efforts. Many ideas I revisit adding to slowly and others come quick. If I casually talk about one of my ideas and someone ask me if that's real, or when it happened, then I know I'm on to something. 

The Alpaca Screensaver

Appreciating Art. In all forms

When you just happen to have a good idea, but not enough time, jot it, or write it quick enough to get the gist.

It can always be added on to and edited later....

I myself, and my writing are a work in progress at this time. I do not wish to box myself in with specific genres or limit my creative flow because I am still learning, and my interests are varied. At this point, anything is something and that is heading in the right direction. As I continue to cultivate my intellect, my imagination broadens, welcoming ideas from everything, everyone and everywhere. Throughout this year I will be working on refining my writing, expanding my vocabulary and creative descriptions that transport you into "their" world.  I am starting to research writing contest, collections and other sources that could possibly gain me notoriety. One thing is for sure, you can't reach vampire status if you don't give it a whirl. 

Works in Progress