Color plays a major role in our life, sometimes more than we realize. For years there have been numerous studies on what colors evoke what kind of feelings. If green is a trustworthy color, then is that why our money has "In God We Trust" printed on it? Don't we all relate yellow with sunshine? Blue is a beautiful color, and yet isn't the sadness of Picasso's "Blue Period" common knowledge to everyone? Why does red stand for passion, and stop at the same time? That's a mixed signal if there ever was one.

There are several people that do know the power of color! If you can, try to name a book, poem, band, song or movie that has a color's name in their name. Then try for every color you can think of. It's fun!

My List

1. The Green Mile

2. Pink Floyd

3. Black Sabbath

4. Blue Oyster Cult

5. Pink

6. Picasso's Rose period

7. Purple Rain

8. Red Hot Chili Peppers

9. Green Day

10. The White Stripes

11. The Blue Lagoon

12. White Fang

13. The Hunt for Red October

14. The Browns.  





 How do we all define our own sense of style? How do we choose what becomes our favorite? Is it because it's the most comfortable, the most unique, does it have good mojo, or does it make a statement? Do our furniture choices define our personality, or is our style, and personality cultivated by them? The power of a chair is often overlooked, but great minds, they know how to surround themselves with artistic inspirations. Surrounding ourselves with nice visuals help to promote the thinking cap, as well as look amazing.

How could all these people be wrong?

An awesome chair is imperative.


Does your chair have what it takes to tell a story, with or without you?

Then there's the kind of chair that gets all the visitors.

Even Edward Hopper's model would cry over Joann Fabrics going out of business.......

This is a sad time for sewers and creatives everywhere.